
  • Ya. I. Arabchuk Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



analysis, audit, public administration. system, strategic planning, technology, controlling, result, management solution


The state of use and necessity of introduction of control technology in practice of public administration and domestic enterprises are analyzed. The main problems and causes of unsatisfactory pace and results of its introduction are outlined, priority objects and tasks are set out for activation of theoretical, methodological and practical research aimed at its implementation. in the processes and procedures of public administration and local self-government. It is emphasized that effective public administration and administration are the key to the successful functioning of all components of the national economy, which is determined by the knowledge, qualifications and experience of managers and management systems as the subjects of state's activity management, as well as the plurality of its subjects of management. The modern requirements to public administration and administration forming the leaders of all levels of government management, the need for timely adoption and forecasting of the effectiveness of management decisions, determining their effectiveness, identifying the causes of deviations of actual results from planned, timely corrections of deviations, optimizing the relationship between desires and the realities of activity are shown. Comprehensive performance of these tasks is an art, one of the mechanisms, tools and technologies of implementation of which is controlling - a system for managing the future. The essence of controlling as a separate and constituent part in the system of public administration and the necessity of its introduction into the practice of public authority activity are revealed. Different approaches to the conceptual categorical definition of controlling by the authors belonging to different management schools, different countries and different periods of development of this scientific and practical management discipline are analyzed, the most generalized characteristics are singled out, the detailed and partial details of the elementary components of the latter are elaborated, by which we can assert that controlling is a process or logical, consistent change of phenomenon, which ensures the effective realization of the basic management functions.


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How to Cite

Arabchuk , Y. I. (2019). CONTROLLING IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ART OF EFFECTIVE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (2(20), 55–69. (20)-55 -69