
  • Liliia Simkiv Іваго-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу



regional economic policy, regional development, local development, endogenous potential, administrative decentralization, budget decentralization.


Abstract. The article substantiates ways to improve the regional and local development management systemeffectiveness in the context of ensuring endogenously-oriented socio-economic development of Ukrainian regions. According to the set goal, the following methods of economic research are used: analysis and synthesis; abstract-logical-to form the purpose and objectives of the study; dialectical and system analysis to process theoretical and methodological provisions, generalize literature sources, and make conclusions.

It is proved that the reform of the required regional development management system is the completion of local government reform and decentralization of power; the formation of a clear system of distribution of powers between bodies of different levels and their resource provision; the improved management of municipal infrastructure; empowerment of local governments in financing the cost of socio-economic development of regions; provision of institutional and resource coordination of the regional strategies and projects development.

Attention is drawn to the fact that administrative decentralization, the transfer of powers for independent management of territories to local self-government bodies should be accompanied by budgetary decentralization. Budget decentralization helps to increase the financial potential of the territory, activate innovation and investment activities, stimulate entrepreneurial activity, which will eventually strengthen the economic potential and ensure high-quality economic growth.

It is proved that the practical implementation of certain tasks will contribute to improving the regional and local development management system, ensure the upward dynamics of economic development of territories, turn regional differences into new opportunities for the state and its regions socio-economic development, which will create a basis for improving the quality of life, regardless of where people live.


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How to Cite

Simkiv, L. (2020). IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE REGIONAL AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(21), 86–93.