Innovation vector of reconciliation and optimization of social and economic interests of society for potential of industrialized regions


  • І. О. Комарніцький


are potential, innovative vector, concordances, optimization, region, industrial enterprise, socio-economic interests.


The features of influence of innovative vector of the use of potential are in-process
investigational on co-ordination and optimization of socio-economic interests of community development
at regional level, a mathematical model is worked out and the mechanism of optimization of certain
interests of participants of reproduction process is presented.



How to Cite

Комарніцький, І. О. (2015). Innovation vector of reconciliation and optimization of social and economic interests of society for potential of industrialized regions. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), 1(11), 80–84. Retrieved from