
  • Анжела Олексіївна Черчата Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»



project management, management concepts, functional approach, process approach, business processes.


The article considers the tendencies of development of public-private partnership in the world and Ukraine. The specifics of the institutional conditions peculiar to different countries and the goals of interaction of the partnership participants are highlighted. Based on the analysis of the current state and experience of projects involving the mechanism of public-private partnership, it was found that in contrast to the European Union, the efficiency of its use in regions and various sectors of Ukraine's economy is quite low. The principles of integration of the state and enterprises are offered. It is substantiated that the diversity of forms and models of public-private partnership is determined by the specific institutional conditions in each country, as well as the different needs of stakeholders in a particular project and specific tasks addressed by public sector and private entities. The study of the modern conceptual and terminological apparatus of public-private partnership allowed to substantiate the criteria of differentiation and identify models of organization and participation in capital as priority areas of public-private partnership in public-private partnership, based on which organizational and legal forms of public-private partnership and mechanisms their implementation. It is proved that in modern realities the most "weak" place in terms of detailing the content and procedure are the mechanisms of public-private partnership, which is due, on the one hand, the absence or imperfection of regulations and guidelines, on the other - the uniqueness of the organization and implementation of the public-private partnership project. Therefore, the implementation mechanisms should be developed on the basis of current legislation, but taking into account foreign experience, the state of the external environment of the domestic economy and the specifics of a particular public-private partnership project. It is concluded that the functioning of new types of partnerships will increase the efficiency of infrastructure projects in the process of interaction between the state and business.


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How to Cite

Черчата, А. О. (2020). PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP AS A RESULT OF INTEGRATION OF THE STATE AND BUSINESS STRUCTURES. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(21), 94–102.