Predicting the Economic Feasibility of Implementing the Technologies of Discretly Distributed Shock Loads on Order to Decrease Drilling Accidents


  • В. М. Чарковський


physical deterioration ; economic efficiency; drilling jar; payback period; discounting methods.


The causes of physical deterioration of shock vibration action devices have been
described to eliminate jamming of BHA during drilling. Various factors of physical deterioration of some
structural node devices embedded in BHA are reflected in the formula for determining the economic
efficiency. The conditions of zero efficiency for the device that implements the technology of distributed
discrete shock have been determined. Input values for calculation of the payback period have been
determined. EIt has been established that for effective practical implementation of the technology of
distributed discrete-shock technology it is necessary to extend the application of appropriate devices by
creating a special design supporting-centering elements. The necessity of the application of modeling
techniques of discounting in the calculation of economic effect oas been proven.


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How to Cite

Чарковський, В. М. (2018). Predicting the Economic Feasibility of Implementing the Technologies of Discretly Distributed Shock Loads on Order to Decrease Drilling Accidents. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), 2(14), 75–82. Retrieved from