Resource Base as a Guarantee of Successful of the Local Government Reform


  • Я. І. Арабчук


decentralization, mechanisms of government control, local self-government, local budgets, territorial society, regional politics, capable community, financial resources.


The article deals with the attempt of socialphilosophical analysis of the state of
decentralization is carried out in Ukraine, forming of the all-sufficient incorporated territorial
communities through the mechanism of territories enlargement and cardinal changes the forming
principles of their budgets. The theoretical and practical assignments of adjusting of these processes and
their improvement are distinguished on the basis of taking into account the corresponding suggestions and
events in the field with the aim of essential improvement the grant of public services for the population.
Democratic transformations that take place in Ukraine need new approaches to forming public
policy of regional development and reformation of local self-government, fundamental changes in activity
of local public government bodies. It requires forming and introduction of new mechanisms and
instruments of this development through reformation of the budgetary system. Within the limits of
regional politics the state makes the attempts of adjusting of interbudgetary relationships with the aim of
accordance providing between powers and budgetary resources of local self-government. One
mechanisms of such adjusting is decentralization power, perfection of administrative- territorial device, in
particular, creation of capable communities by their association, creation of the real self-government
based on principles of ubiquity and subsidiarity. The decentralization reform is the key reform that will
allow correctly to build management system by the state and will create the terms for civil development.
Key words: decentralization, mechanisms of government control, local self-government, local
budgets, territorial society, regional politics, capable community, financial resources.


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How to Cite

Арабчук, Я. І. (2018). Resource Base as a Guarantee of Successful of the Local Government Reform. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), 2(14), 97–103. Retrieved from