
  • Ірина Володимирівна Перевозова Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • Петро Михайлович Гринів Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



system analysis, energy market, gas production enterprises, management technologies, energy balance of Ukraine, primary energy supply, predictive extrapolation methods.


The essence and methodology of system analysis in management is determined based on the generalization of scientific experience, the scope of its application in the modeling of economic processes and the gas production sector of Ukraine in the context of management technologies is investigated.

The development trends of the energy and gas markets of Ukraine were analyzed using the methodological basis of system analysis. The prospects for the development of the domestic gas production sector of the economy are determined based on the extrapolation of existing trends. Expert clarifications of the basic scenario were carried out, taking into account the foreign policy situation and the diversification of energy markets in the EU countries.

Taking into account the existing trend of reducing the volume of natural gas consumption in Ukraine, it can be argued that the domestic market is gradually saturated with gas from its own production, even under the conditions of constant production volumes. It has been established that under such conditions, by 2024, Ukraine has the opportunity to get rid of dependence on imports. Expert clarifications of the basic scenario were carried out, taking into account the foreign policy situation and the diversification of energy markets in the EU countries. It is substantiated that an important task for Ukraine is to complete the reform of the national energy market as soon as possible according to the directives of the third EU energy package. It is in this case that domestic gas production enterprises will have the opportunity to export gas to the countries of Western Europe under a simplified procedure. It is substantiated that the diversification of consumers by geographical feature is also possible due to the development of infrastructure for the production, storage and transportation of liquefied gas, etc.

It was established that the scientific novelty of this work is the development of the methodology of system analysis in the gas production industry of Ukraine in the context of management technologies, which, unlike the existing ones, connects the development of this sector not with the domestic market, but due to the increase of export potential and allows to increase the effectiveness of decisions, that are accepted


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How to Cite

Перевозова, І. В., & Гринів, П. М. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF SYSTEM ANALYSIS IN THE CONTEXT OF DIRECTION OF MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES OF GAS EXTRACTION ENTERPRISES. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(27), 7–15.

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