
  • Ivanna Bogdanivna Zapukhliak Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • Олександр Андрійович Станецький Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



construction, green construction, green economy, energy saving, ecological construction.


The article discusses the principles of green building, including energy efficiency, use of alternative energy sources, use of natural environmentally friendly building materials, reduction of environmental pollution, preservation of natural landscapes, water conservation, improvement of the quality of life of the population, etc. The author studies the approaches of specialists to the formation of green building aspects, which made it possible to distinguish the stages of green building in terms of the effective application of a process approach to green building management.

Green building is presented as a step-by-step process from the planning and design of a building based on green principles to the identification of environmental aspects of construction. In particular, green building includes such stages as environmental design, efficient landscape design, site planning, analysis of the effectiveness of green buildings, taking into account financial assistance, tax benefits, and other incentives, selection of a green building location without degrading the environment and facilities, and integration of green principles into the building planning and design process.

The experience of European countries in implementing the European Green Deal is studied, and the practice of green building in the United States is considered, which allowed identifying a number of problems and needs of Ukraine on the way to green building. It is established that the post-war recovery of Ukraine should be based on the principles of green building, which will not only have positive economic, social and environmental consequences, but is also a prerequisite for the European progress of our country. Also, the development of green building in Ukraine will contribute to the sustainable development of other sectors, such as education, which is driven by the need for green building specialists, the financial sector, which requires the development of green financing; the tax system, which creates a number of benefits and incentives for the development of green building; and the energy sector, which develops new energy-efficient technologies for energy supply to buildings, alternative energy sources, etc.

The article highlights the benefits of green construction for Ukraine, including energy-efficient and environmentally friendly housing, development of other sectors of the economy on the basis of sustainable development, formation of a culture of energy saving and environmental friendliness, development of the financial and tax system, training of specialists in green construction, certification of building materials, works and construction facilities, reduction of carbon emissions, etc. It is also important that Ukraine's construction sector complies with the European Green Deal, which is the key to Ukraine's successful European integration.


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How to Cite

Zapukhliak, I. B., & Станецький, О. А. (2024). GREEN BUILDING: DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN PRACTICE. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(29), 107–114.

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