Target Subsystem of a Management System and Its Assessment


  • А. О. Устенко
  • О. Я. Малинка


management, management system, target subsystem of management system, analysis of goals of a company.


Target subsystem of enterprise management system is considered, which includes
mission and system of goals, needed to support the mission. Goals of an enterprise can be researched at
three levels: the local level (goals of a separate structural unit of the socio-economic system), the system
(corporate) level – the goals of the social-economic system, and overall system level (in external
competitive environment, the main idea is the adaptation of the socio-economic system). A factorparametric
approach to the representation of the target subsystem is offered, its basic idea is as follows:
integrated system is a set of components, the interaction of which generates new (integrative, system)
qualities that are not common for its formation. This system can be very relatively described as a certain
set of "factors", reasons, driving forces of its existence and life, each of which is characterized with a
certain system of "parameters", and can be measured concerning permanent features and properties of a
"factor" (meaning common notions which describe the essence of the components, their properties and
features that are used in the description of factors and their parameters in a specific production process).
Using the example of a particular company, it is illustrated how to analyze target subsystem of
management system.


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How to Cite

Устенко, А. О., & Малинка, О. Я. (2018). Target Subsystem of a Management System and Its Assessment. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), 2(14), 132–137. Retrieved from

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