Elasticity of enterprise: theoretical foundations and practical dimensions


  • Я Ясінська


enterprise, changes, elasticity of an enterprise, overall elasticity, partial elasticity, elasticity management.


In the article, on the basis of the analysis in scientific and practical understanding of the
notion of elasticity of an enterprise by various authors, a list of recommendations for practical use of
management decisions, oriented at the formation of various components of total elasticity of and
enterprise as an integral system are proposed. Peculiarities and importance of such components of total
elasticity as elasticity of main and auxiliary processes, human resources, organizational structure etc. It
has been demonstrated that elasticity is a multi-dimensional and a rather time-consuming parameter to be
determined on the level of an entire enterprise, and because of that the capability of its generalized
assessment based on the results from analyzing of elasticity of various components on different levels is
an actual and an important task. It has been said that the feasibility of forming a total elasticity of an
enterprise by influencing all of its possible components, especially the ones that play a dominating role in
the interpretation of the elasticity of an enterprise as an integral system, has to be the topic for further


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How to Cite

Ясінська, Я. (2014). Elasticity of enterprise: theoretical foundations and practical dimensions. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), 1(9), 102–108. Retrieved from https://eung.nung.edu.ua/index.php/ecom/article/view/199