


land using, forest using, water using, forms of public-private partnership, sustainable development, contract, risk, authority


The article is devoted to the study of institutional provision of public-private partnership projects in the land, forest and water using practices. The public database and existing public-private partnership contract are studied and analysed by the authors, the most common forms of public-private partnership in Ukraine are identified. It is established that the main areas of application of such projects are collection, treatment and distribution of water, production / transportation of natural gas and electricity, as well as infrastructure, in particular, in providing housing and communal services. According to the results of the study of the specific features of the existing forms of contracts it is noted that the absence of a specification of essential contractual conditions does not allow the use of widespread forms of public-private partnership in Ukraine in the fields of land, forest and water using, namely, to provide sustainable nature using. Specifics and features that need to be taken into account for improving the institutional provision of public-private partnerships in terms of promoting sustainable nature using are shown on separate examples. Taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of such forms of public-private partnership as concessions, property management, joint activities and specifics of land, forestry and water using, measures for improving institutional provision and implement them in the national practice of public-private partnership are proposed. In particular, the existing forms of public-private partnership are complemented and detailed with the substantial features of the fields of land, forest and water using. Stages of improvement of institutional provision of public-private partnership are presented. Therefore, the article presents the proposals to the Law of Ukraine “On Public-Private Partnership” in terms of expanding the scope of public-private partnership. In addition, for the effective implementation of contracts, it was noted that in order to improve the existing situation, it is necessary to introduce a public-private partnership single national governing body.


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How to Cite

Sakal, O. V., Tretiak, N. A., & Shtohryn, H. S. (2019). INSTITUTIONAL PROVISION OF THE STATE-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP IN THE FIELD OF NATURAL USING. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (2(20), 187–195.