Keywords: globalization, energy, gas sectorAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of global energy development trends and the identification of global impact factors on the development of national energy markets. The analysis of scientific publications and factual information revealed the nature and extent of changes taking place in the energy markets and significantly affecting the formation of energy policy of the states. It is revealed that the main global trends consist in changing the model of the energy sector, the gradual reduction of the use of fossil fuels, the formation of a competitive environment in the markets of natural gas, electricity, coal, intensive development of technologies for the use of non-conventional energy resources. It is proved that the dominant economic development of the leading countries of the world is the paradigm of improving energy efficiency and the use of renewable and alternative energy sources. At the same time, one of the priorities of global energy development is the introduction of measures to prevent and adapt to climate change.The scientific novelty of this study is to identify, detail and systematize global factors that reflect the threats and opportunities for the development of world energy and determine the main trends in the development of energy markets. It is established that the development of the national market of natural gas in the medium and long term, the formation of a national energy strategy require the consideration of the main global factors that are identified and systematized in the research process by groups such as market, political, resource, technological, infrastructure, environmental, institutional .
The prospects for further research will be to detail and quantify the impact of global factors on the development of national energy markets, which will contribute to the improvement of theoretical and methodological tools for forecasting the development of national and world energy, the integration of energy markets in the global dimension, addressing issues of sustainable human development and the preservation of the natural environment in the long term.
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