
  • Yaroslav Ostafiychuk Інститут демографії та соціальних досліджень ім. М.В. Птухи НАН України



social security, digitalization, labor sphere, risk.


Abstract. The purpose of the article is to investigate the impact of the processes of digitalization of the economy on social security, in particular in the social and labor sphere. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the combination of the provisions of modern concepts of sustainable development, decent work, social security, social risk and the digital economy.

It is revealed that the transformation of the national labor market today is largely a consequence of global trends, among which the digitization of all spheres of life plays an increasing role. The definition of the term “global trend” is given and six main groups of trends are identified: environmental, demographic, social-behavioral, technological, economic and political-managerial. It is substantiated that for analyzing these processes it is advisable to use the method of plotting interaction graphs. Global trends have been found to be interconnected, forming clusters whose complex impact leads to changes in the organization of work, methods of employment, forms of employment and, in general, the contours of employment relationships. The most important chains of influence of digitalization on social and labor sphere are indirectly identified through changes in the society of social and behavioral patterns, dissemination of new business models and forms of employment on the basis of ICT.

The content of the concept of “social risk” is covered. It is established that the main risk groups in the social and labor sphere, which can create threats to the achievement of the goals of sustainable development and social security of the country, are: growth due to digital transformations of labor shortages and skilled labor; conservation of labor inactivity and deepening of structural unemployment; scaling undeclared work; increasing social inequality and exacerbating social conflict; the destruction of social dialogue and the social protection system.

It is concluded that the prospects for further research are primarily related to the development of scientific approaches to the quantitative assessment of social risks, especially those impacted by a “cascading” character; substantiation of methodology of formation of risk management system in social and labor sphere as a component of social security guarantee system.


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How to Cite

Ostafiychuk, Y. (2020). SOCIAL SECURITY IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(21), 57–68.