
  • Alla Polyanska Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • Оксана Дюк ІФНТУНГ



corporate culture, management technologies, organization, influence, needs, power.


Reasoned relevant of the study corporate culture in the conditions changes in the enterprise. Defined the relationship between the choice of technology management and corporate levels culture at the  enterprise. Based on the application of content analysis defined concept technologies management. Suggested author's definition of control technology,  that based on consideration tools implementation managing influence on the object management that comes from taking into account  environment corporate culture, represented by values, norms of behavior,  customs,  traditions and based on powerful and those, that take into account needs, impact tools, formed from sets methods, techniques, methods activities, sequence of operations and procedures, targeted action, which provides implementation management process. Considered classification technologies of management that take into account modern achievements management  science , take into account  complexity, variability, uncertainty enterprise environment and allocate situational technologies  management, that take into account these factors. Generalized, that situational technologies of management the greatest extent  are determined by the level of corporate culture at the enterprise and allow you to adjust its effect on choice of management tools by shifting the emphasis or on the need to meet needs enterprises, given hidden level values formation of corporate culture or to apply purposeful influence, based on taking into account the values that are formed at equal systems of enterprise management and external environment operation of the enterprise. Elements of corporate culture are highlighted on base of characteristics levels of it's formation enterprise. Reasoned semantics of the concept of "influence " as an action or activities based on power and needs. It's done classification of ways to influence basis application administrative, economic, social situational technologies  management. Types of technologies of management are characterized that are affected elements of corporate culture. Foreign experience is used to demonstrate the  impact of corporate  culture to choose management technologies.


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How to Cite

Polyanska, A., & Дюк, О. (2020). INFLUENCE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE TO CHOOSE TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT ON THE EXAMPLES ELECTRIC POWER BRANCHES. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (2(22), 87–98.