
  • Олена Михайлівна Міжнародний університет бізнесу і права



foreign investments, food industry, management technologies, investment support.


The article proves that the modern task of state regulation of the food industry investment support is to create a free and competitive national market in which the rights of investors are reliably protected by an independent branch of government, which determines the relevance of this work. It is noted that investment attractiveness is a relative indicator. Yes, when choosing an investment object, not only its condition is important, but also the competitive environment with which it interacts. That is, to assess the position of Ukraine on the basis of international ratings in this case is insufficient.

The investment attractiveness of those countries that surround it on a geographical basis also plays a significant role. Therefore, for comparison, countries were selected which meet the following criteria: territorially close countries of Western and Eastern Europe, for which all the above international ratings are calculated. For example, the Republic of Belarus is not part of them; a large number of European Union countries are members of the Organization for Economic Community and Development (OECD). This international organization unites only the countries of the world with the most developed market economy and democracy and automatically, on qualitative grounds, has significant advantages over Ukraine. We believe that the comparison is appropriate only with those countries that have closer conditions of socio-economic development.

As we can see, the method of medians and weighted averages gives different results, however, the general trends are completely the same. In terms of investment attractiveness, Ukraine in 2019 ranked 11th among neighboring developing countries. Only Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina performed worse. According to almost all global rankings, except for the Global Competitiveness Index, Ukraine ranked penultimate. This indicates a lack of prospects for increasing foreign investment not only in the food industry but also in the economy as a whole.

The scientific originality of this work is the development of technologies for foreign investment management based on interstate rating analysis, which, unlike existing ones, uses modern methods of generalization of decision theory and allows to determine the priority factors of investment attractiveness.


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How to Cite

Михайлівна, О. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (2(24), 189–196.