
  • Руслан Данилейчук
  • Галина Кісь



entrepreneurship, stimulating the development of entrepreneurship infrastructure, ensuring the development of entrepreneurship, institutional foundations for the development of entrepreneurship infrastructure, economic policy.


The article examines the determination of the impact of the policy of entrepreneurship’ infrastructure supporting on the development of regional socio-economic systems. To fully understand the impact of such a policy, the authors identified ways to improve the legal support for the development of entrepreneurship and identified areas of regulatory policy that can positively affect the development of entrepreneurship infrastructure.

The study formulates a list of the main directions of the state regional policy, which is aimed at reducing significant territorial differences in the development of different regions. It is determined how regional and local authorities can influence the development of business infrastructure. A list of areas that can be implemented within the framework of regional programs and projects to improve the business climate in the field of business infrastructure development has been compiled. The principles and approaches to creating the necessary institutional foundations for the development of business infrastructure have been developed, and the orientations of the regional policy strategy for supporting the development of business infrastructure have been determined.

The authors describe the conditions that are necessary for the development of international investment infrastructure based on programs aimed at the general improvement of the business environment in the region, as well as at the improvement of regulatory policy at the local level. The mechanism of formation of a regional model for stimulating the development of entrepreneurship infrastructure is revealed and its essence is defined. A list of directions is proposed, the implementation of which within the framework of the implementation of regional programs and projects will contribute to the restoration of a positive entrepreneurial climate in the field of entrepreneurship infrastructure development, the main of which are: introduction of incentives for highly effective entrepreneurial activity; correction of the economic and legal environment in the direction of stimulating investment in infrastructure projects; support of the institutional environment for the formation of venture entrepreneurship; stimulating the expansion of the range of financial services; introduction of real mechanisms of public-private partnership in the field of entrepreneurship infrastructure development; support for the functioning of business clusters.


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How to Cite

Данилейчук, Р., & Кісь, Г. (2023). DETERMINING THE IMPACT OF BUSINESS INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT POLICY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(27), 62–75.