
  • Ліля Євгенівна Сімків Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas



territorial marketing, regional development, conceptual model, marketing activity, marketing policy, marketing research.


The article substantiates the necessity of implementing a marketing approach to managing the region, which will contribute to the establishment of interaction between authorities and target markets: producers, consumers, investors, residents. The priority components of territorial marketing have been determined, which include the system of marketing research, which should reveal the potential for the sale of goods and services not only within the limits of one's own territory, but also in the markets of other regions; promotion of goods and services that the economy of the region can generate on a national and international scale; product policy; price policy.

It is substantiated that the economic development of the regions of Ukraine should be based on the development of the concept of territorial marketing, which considers marketing as a special management technology aimed at the formation of competitive advantages and the creation of a positive image of the region, which, in turn, will contribute to the development of infrastructure, the provision of quality services, the attraction of investments and qualified personnel, creating a comfortable living environment and increasing the level and quality of life of the population. It has been proven that the presence of a conceptual approach will provide business representatives and investors with a certain orientation and understanding regarding the development of various industries, spheres of activity and infrastructure of the region and will allow in market conditions to reorient the flow of resources (material, financial, human, etc.) and compete with other regions.

The factors that determine the necessity of forming the marketing policy of the region with an understanding of the variability of its functional tasks and consequent determinations in different spatial dimensions are analyzed. The main goals of territorial marketing have been determined, the implementation of which is designed to create the necessary conditions for the further purposeful development of territories and the formation of better competitive advantages. It has been proven that territorial marketing should be aimed at solving strategic, not current problems and be based on the formation and development of strategic mutually beneficial relations of all participants in the interaction process (consumers, businesses, state institutions, public organizations, local government bodies).


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How to Cite

Сімків, Л. Є. (2023). REGIONAL MARKETING IN THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A CONCEPTUAL APPROACH. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(27), 133–142.