
  • Alla Stepanivna Polyanska Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • Galyna Bodnar Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas
  • Volodymyr Martynec



social responsibility, social security, energy, interaction, harmonization, economic interests, strategy, public-private partnership


The relationship between social responsibility and social security, as well as the peculiarities of their implementation in the activities of energy enterprises, are considered. The components of the formation of a socially responsible environment and the measures that allow to achieve the appropriate level of social security at the enterprise are characterized. It was determined that social responsibility creates prerequisites for a deeper understanding and better awareness of the participation of each employee in achieving the assigned tasks. Among them are those that correspond to social security, the essence of which is to create safe living conditions, well-being, working conditions and professional growth, which will ultimately contribute to the safety of the enterprise. Examples of socially responsible business policy development based on the example of energy enterprises are considered. It was concluded that the formation of a socially responsible business is a prerequisite for achieving an adequate level of social security. Implementation of social security tasks lies in the plane of development of strategic priorities of enterprise development and relates to ESG factors of strategic changes (environment, society, corporate governance). Achieving interaction and, as a result, harmonization of ESG components of development in matters of social responsibility and safety in the energy sector is not the work of one company, but the joint efforts of all stakeholders interested in the company's activities. This approach draws attention to such an organizational form of strategic interaction as public-private partnership. Such a connection is especially relevant for the energy industry because the state is a co-owner of the assets of strategically important energy enterprises. It is summarized that the joint activity is aimed at combining the efforts of all participants to create an appropriate level of social security, on the one hand, it aims to achieve an appropriate level of responsibility for the work performed, meeting the need for energy resources of various groups of consumers, controlled impact on the environment, etc. and on the other hand, compliance with the conditions that ensure the balance of their activities, which is achieved by responsible creation of conditions for achieving the goals of harmonized ESG development and the development of measures to maintain an appropriate level of social security, in particular due to a responsible attitude to the tasks performed.


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How to Cite

Polyanska, A. S., Bodnar, G., & Martynec, V. (2023). SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND SOCIAL SECURITY: CONNECTION AND IMPLEMENTATION ON THE EXAMPLE OF ENERGY ENTERPRISES. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(27), 27–41.