
  • Uliana Savkiv Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Halyna Sydor Навчально-реабілітаційний заклад вищої освіти «Кам’янець-Подільський державний інститут»



ризик, людські ресурси, управління персоналом, стрес-менеджмент, ризик-менеджмент, антикризовий менеджмент, психологічний менеджмент.


In today's business environment, the problem of human resource management is exacerbated by the risks caused by the war. The human resource management systems that business entities used in peacetime have proven ineffective in wartime. Such challenges need to be addressed through the introduction of effective HRM methods that take into account the identified risks.

The purpose of the study is to explore the main aspects of human resource management in the context of risks caused by war and to develop measures to minimise them.

To achieve this goal, the article uses general and special research methods, in particular: general scientific and special methods - to achieve the goal, abstract-logical and dialectical methods of analysis - to substantiate theoretical positions and conclusions.

The relevance of the research material is due to the fact that traditional approaches to wartime human resource management need to be revised and improved, as the war has provoked new challenges for human resource managers at all levels. The unstable political and economic situation requires monitoring and adaptation of management strategies to ensure the survival of organisations in difficult conditions when risks are very difficult to identify and assess.

The article examines the main factors that lead to risks in wartime; reflects the main aspects of managing people in the face of risks caused by war; considers the peculiarities of applying risk management, crisis management, stress management, and psychological management tools; and studies the applied aspects of personnel management based on psychological methods. The conducted research will help to solve the problems of human resource management faced by the management system today.

It is established that the specificity of human resource management depends on the type of risk, and risk mitigation mechanisms are closely interrelated with the relevant management mechanisms, including risk management, crisis management, stress management and psychological management. Various practices used in wartime help to develop new HR management models, which allows for rapid adaptation to martial law conditions.

Author Biographies

Uliana Savkiv, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Management and Marketing

Halyna Sydor, Навчально-реабілітаційний заклад вищої освіти «Кам’янець-Подільський державний інститут»

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Finance, Accounting and Taxation named after S. Yuriy



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How to Cite

Savkiv, U., & Halyna Sydor. (2023). HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF RISKS CAUSED BY THE WAR IN UKRAINE. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (2(28), 77–84.