


cluster, economic activity, market, chemical industry, innovations


Recently, the term “cluster” has been used more and more often in scientific works of economists. The effectiveness of the results of production and economic activity, ensuring socio-economic growth, improving the efficiency of the material and labor resources used, improving the quality of the goods produced, increasing their competitiveness is associated with a cluster approach in management. As the analysis of literature sources from the experience of cluster management studies being conducted at various enterprises as a result of interaction of organizations and institutions included in the cluster, there is a constant exchange of technologies, innovations, personnel, the joint use of production infrastructure, advertising and marketing promotion and services. The presence of an innovative component becomes an integral part of any kind of clusters. The process of formation of the cluster has a significant impact on the integration of technical, technological, intellectual and financial resources outside the cluster, contributing to the development of enterprises, organizations, economic areas, as well as the national economy as a whole. Industrial enterprises represented by the cluster receive a powerful engine of socio-economic growth, which contributes to their competitiveness. The cluster approach in management contributes to the integration of intelligence and capital, which creates prerequisites for the formation of a single economic space within the industry. For this purpose, the article examines  the role of cluster management efficiency in the chemical industry of Azerbaijan. Prospects of application of cluster management for improvement of technologies, and also successful sale of production of the enterprise are analyzed. The scheme of cluster management of production, which includes all the main stages of the successful solution of the problem, proposed a possible cluster management scheme of chemical enterprises of Azerbaijan.


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How to Cite

Suleymanov, G. S., & Shaidai, T. A. (2019). ORGANIZATIONAL AND ECONOMIC MECHANISMS FOR CLUSTER MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES IN CHEMICAL INDUSTRY OF AZERBAIJAN . Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (2(20), 196–209.