
  • Nataliia Mykytiuk ІФНТУНГ



innovations, innovative activity, innovative development, scientific and technical sphere, R&D.


The purpose of this article is to study the trends of Ukraine’s scientific and innovative activities. The article considers the dynamics of changes in the number of organizations that carried out research work during 2017-2019, studies the dynamics of changes in the number and structure of employees involved in the implementation of research in general and in the fields of science. The dynamics and structure of organizations' expenditures on R&D by sources and fields of science are analyzed. The dynamics of changes in the number of innovatively active industrial enterprises and the new technological processes introduced by them into production is studied. Methods of comparison, synthesis, generalization and system approach were used for the research.

It is established that innovation should be understood as a system of actions that involves the development and implementation of achievements of intellectual and scientific activities and their commercialization or implementation in the form of innovative projects and innovative products.

It is noted that the introduction of innovations is a necessary condition for the development of production, improving product quality and increasing production capacity of the enterprise.

It is revealed that according to a number of indicators in Ukraine there are negative activity trends in scientific and technical sphere and innovation activity, and according to other indicators there is a tendency to preserve signs of moderately stable innovation and technological process.

The reasons of negative tendencies are singled out, among which: low volume of scientific and technical sphere financing; lack of incentives for entrepreneurs to finance R&D without a standardized mechanism for valuing intellectual property, which leads to a decline in interest in long-term projects due to the significant risks of funds’ non-return; development of outdated manufactures with no interest in cooperation with scientific institutions; prevalence of corruption; monopolization of the economy; underdeveloped competitive environment.

It is emphasized that in order to break the negative trends in the domestic scientific and technical sphere and innovation, it is necessary to form and implement mechanisms for the transformation of the national economy with the transition to the production of intellectual products and increase the share of high-tech industries in GDP.


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How to Cite

Mykytiuk, N. (2021). RESEARCH OF TRENDS IN UKRAINE’S SCIENTIFIC AND INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(23), 65–74.