Change Management in Organizations under Conditions of Uncertainty


  • Йоанна Ясіньска
  • Мілош Браніцкий


environment, uncertainty, situation, change, control, management, strategy.


This article analyzes the problems of struggle with uncertainties during the changes in
management processes., analyzes new concepts and methods of monitoring the unpredictable future in
strategic terms, drawing attention to the conflicting strategies are classics from the standpoint of
management, reinterpreted some changes in management strategy in situations of uncertainty, which is
necessary due to the increasing complexity and unpredictability of events in the organizational


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How to Cite

Ясіньска, Й., & Браніцкий, М. (2018). Change Management in Organizations under Conditions of Uncertainty. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), 1(13), 94–97. Retrieved from