Energy effeciency of the industrial development: the current state and perspectives
Ключові слова:
промисловість, підприємства, енергоефективність, енергоємність, нетрадиційні джерела енергії, державне регулювання, системи якості, енергоменедмжентАнотація
Метою написання статі є узагальнення передумов підвищення енергоефетивності
на вітчизняних промислових підприємствах. Звернено увагу на перешкоди і бар'єри на даному
шляху. Виділено практичні кроки підвищення енерноефективності на вітчизняних промислових
підприємствах. Зокрема, розглянуто засади впровадження енергетичного менеджменту на
підприємствах у системи міжнародних стандартів якості. Виділено макроекономічні важелі,
спрямовані на підвищення енергоефективності у промисловості.
1. Priority directions of public policy in the field of providing of power safety. The Analytical report. The
National institute of strategic researches. – Kyiv, 2012. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
2. DSTU 3755-98. Energy-savings. A nomenclature of indexes of energy efficiency and order of their bringing
is in a normative document. – K.: National Standard of Ukraine, 1999. – 13 p.
3. Law of Ukraine is "Abbout energy-savings" 74/94-VR from 01.07.94 [Electronic resource]. it is access
4. Law of Respubliki Belarus' "At ýíåðãîñáåðåæåíèè" ¹190-Ç here 15.07.1998. [Electronic resource]. it is access
5. 2020 vision: Saving our energy. [Electronic resource]. it is access
6. State standard of Russian Federation. GOST of R 51387-99. UDK 62.1:006.354. Energy-savings.
Normative-methodical providing // [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
7. Win the energy challenge with ISO 50001. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
8. Official site of Kyivenergo. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
9. Energy efficiency as resource of innovative development: A national report about consisting and prospects of
realization of public policy of energy efficiency of 2009 year / S. F. Ermilov, Yu. P Yaschenko., In. In. Grigorovskiy,
In. M. of Geec', . – K. : NAER, 2009. – 58 p.;
10. SukhodolyA O.m. Teoretiko-methodological principles of mechanisms of state administration forming
of energy effective economy of Ukraine // Abstract of thesis of dissertation on the receipt of scientific degree of doctor
of sciences from state administration after speciality 25.00.02 - mechanisms of state administration. National academy
of state administration at President of Ukraine. . – Kyiv, 2006. – 29 p.
11.Mayssner F. Increasing of energy efficiency in Ukraine: diminishing of adjusting and stimulation of energysavings
[Electronic resource] / F. Mayssner, D. Naumenko, Y. Radeke // Institute of economic researches and political
consultations. it is Berlin. – K. – 2012. – 25 p. it is access Mode:
12. First stage of modernization of economy of Ukraine: experience and problems / O. M. Alimov, O. I. Amosha
but other ; for zag. editor V. I. Lyashenko ; IEP of NAN of Ukraine, KPU. – Zaporizhzhya: KPU, 2014. – 798 s.
13. Ukraine 2012. Substantive provisions and recommendations. General power policy. A power policy is
outside countries – members of MEA [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
14. Rating of energy efficiency of Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode: http://www.energyindex.
15.About internal and external position of Ukraine in 2013 years : Annual Message of President of Ukraine in
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. – K. : NISD, 2013. – 576 p. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
16.Government service of statistics of Ukraine [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
17.Golovatyuk of P. of N., Bab''yak O. S. Energy strategy of Ukraine: priority directions of maintenance of
energy resources. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
18. Shevcov A. Market of electric energy in Ukraine. Problems of perfection / A. Shevcov, M. Earthen, V.
Verbickiy / National institute of strategic researches. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
19. Power strategy of Ukraine on a period to 2030 year / Approved the order of Cabinet OF Ministers of Ukraine
from July, 24 in 2013, 1071-r, m. Kyiv
20. Ukrainian-language text of translation of standard of ISO of a 50001 "System of power management is
requirements and adviser from introduction". [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
21. Fol'kmar Denner. Energy efficiency today or collapse tomorrow. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
22.Ukrainian industry needs $25 milliards on Energy efficiency. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
23. Short review of legislation in relation to development of policy in the field of the rational use of energy in
Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
National institute of strategic researches. – Kyiv, 2012. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
2. DSTU 3755-98. Energy-savings. A nomenclature of indexes of energy efficiency and order of their bringing
is in a normative document. – K.: National Standard of Ukraine, 1999. – 13 p.
3. Law of Ukraine is "Abbout energy-savings" 74/94-VR from 01.07.94 [Electronic resource]. it is access
4. Law of Respubliki Belarus' "At ýíåðãîñáåðåæåíèè" ¹190-Ç here 15.07.1998. [Electronic resource]. it is access
5. 2020 vision: Saving our energy. [Electronic resource]. it is access
6. State standard of Russian Federation. GOST of R 51387-99. UDK 62.1:006.354. Energy-savings.
Normative-methodical providing // [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
7. Win the energy challenge with ISO 50001. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
8. Official site of Kyivenergo. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
9. Energy efficiency as resource of innovative development: A national report about consisting and prospects of
realization of public policy of energy efficiency of 2009 year / S. F. Ermilov, Yu. P Yaschenko., In. In. Grigorovskiy,
In. M. of Geec', . – K. : NAER, 2009. – 58 p.;
10. SukhodolyA O.m. Teoretiko-methodological principles of mechanisms of state administration forming
of energy effective economy of Ukraine // Abstract of thesis of dissertation on the receipt of scientific degree of doctor
of sciences from state administration after speciality 25.00.02 - mechanisms of state administration. National academy
of state administration at President of Ukraine. . – Kyiv, 2006. – 29 p.
11.Mayssner F. Increasing of energy efficiency in Ukraine: diminishing of adjusting and stimulation of energysavings
[Electronic resource] / F. Mayssner, D. Naumenko, Y. Radeke // Institute of economic researches and political
consultations. it is Berlin. – K. – 2012. – 25 p. it is access Mode:
12. First stage of modernization of economy of Ukraine: experience and problems / O. M. Alimov, O. I. Amosha
but other ; for zag. editor V. I. Lyashenko ; IEP of NAN of Ukraine, KPU. – Zaporizhzhya: KPU, 2014. – 798 s.
13. Ukraine 2012. Substantive provisions and recommendations. General power policy. A power policy is
outside countries – members of MEA [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
14. Rating of energy efficiency of Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode: http://www.energyindex.
15.About internal and external position of Ukraine in 2013 years : Annual Message of President of Ukraine in
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. – K. : NISD, 2013. – 576 p. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
16.Government service of statistics of Ukraine [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
17.Golovatyuk of P. of N., Bab''yak O. S. Energy strategy of Ukraine: priority directions of maintenance of
energy resources. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
18. Shevcov A. Market of electric energy in Ukraine. Problems of perfection / A. Shevcov, M. Earthen, V.
Verbickiy / National institute of strategic researches. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
19. Power strategy of Ukraine on a period to 2030 year / Approved the order of Cabinet OF Ministers of Ukraine
from July, 24 in 2013, 1071-r, m. Kyiv
20. Ukrainian-language text of translation of standard of ISO of a 50001 "System of power management is
requirements and adviser from introduction". [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
21. Fol'kmar Denner. Energy efficiency today or collapse tomorrow. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
22.Ukrainian industry needs $25 milliards on Energy efficiency. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
23. Short review of legislation in relation to development of policy in the field of the rational use of energy in
Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. it is access Mode:
Як цитувати
Polanska, A. S. (2014). Energy effeciency of the industrial development: the current state and perspectives. Науковий вісник Івано-Франківського національного технічного університету нафти і газу (серія «Економіка та управління в нафтовій і газовій промисловості», 1(9), 61–66. вилучено із
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