DOI:Ключові слова:
Business, Economic Competitiveness, Efficiency, Feed-in Tariff, Project, Prosumer, Renewable Energy, Solar Power Plant, Ukraine.Анотація
The article studies the economic competitiveness of a green energy business project by variations in its implementation to assess the prospects for forming a prosumer group. The use of statistical and comparative analysis has revealed that government support provides green energy development today. Most domestic renewable energy projects are uncompetitive without such assistance. The coronavirus pandemic in 2020-2021 disclosed the issues of the high price of green energy, the priority of its purchase, the interruption of renewable electricity generation, etc. Russia's full-scale war in Ukraine in 2022 has put the industry on the edge of physical and economic destruction. Today, it is critical to preserve and support remaining green energy facilities and encourage their reconstruction in the occupied territories.
The gradual convergence of green tariffs with rising energy prices improves the competitiveness of renewable energy projects and creates a basis for the formation of prosumers. To substantiate the feasibility of transforming domestic energy consumers and the economic competitiveness of the green energy business, we conducted an investment analysis of the project of an industrial photovoltaic solar power plant with a capacity of 100 kW located in the Sumy region. 3 options for the use of generated green electricity were considered: 1) sale of electricity at a feed-in tariff; 2) partial consumption of generated electricity for own needs and sale of its surplus at the feed-in tariff; 3) consumption of generated electricity for own needs. At current electricity prices and the feed-in tariff, the best option is 100% consumption of generated electricity for own needs, i.e., the company's transformation into a prosumer. The payback period for this option is longer by almost 4 months, but its profitability increases to 75.8% compared to 62.7 and 71.7% for other options. Thus, the current conditions of the energy market contribute to the formation of the prosumer group in Ukraine.
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