
  • Anton Chub 1Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk



regulatory policy, foreign trade regulation, state regulation, tariff regulation, non-tariff regulation, foreign trade, export, export potential.


The current state of the regulatory policy of Ukraine in the field of agro-industrial complex is analyzed, since the country's regulatory policy requires the solution of complex and extremely important decisions, which, in turn, will contribute to increasing the efficiency of production, the sale of final products and will become a guarantee of the development of rural areas.

The main trends of international trade in goods of the agro-industrial complex are highlighted, namely: strengthening of protectionism of developed countries with simultaneous liberalization of access to agricultural markets of developing countries and countries with transition economies; concentration of countries' efforts on import substitution in the agrarian sphere in order to implement the tasks of food security; strengthening of the positions of transnational corporations on the global markets of agricultural products; etc.

Measures to regulate foreign trade in agricultural products and the level and structure of support for producers of agricultural products, services in agriculture and consumers in the USA, EU countries and Ukraine are compared. It was concluded that due to the inconsistency of national standards with European ones and the system of non-tariff regulation in Ukraine today is also ineffective, and the level of aggregate support for agriculture, the share of aggregate support in the gross added value of agriculture in Ukraine is the lowest, which leads to instability and low efficiency implementation of relevant state budget programs.

The necessity of combining the requirements of international agreements and national regulatory institutions has been proven, and the determining factor, in our opinion, is the economic mechanism, which should express the state's policy. This applies not only to the public sector of the economy, but also to the private sector through the system of indirect measures. Directions and measures for improving the mechanism of state regulation of the agricultural sector in Ukraine are proposed, which is the basis for preparing for a new stage of development of the country's agricultural sector, ensuring the transition of state regulation to the optimization and integration stage, increasing the competitiveness of the agricultural sector, guaranteeing the components of food security, etc.


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How to Cite

Chub, A. (2022). REGULATORY POLICY OF UKRAINE IN THE SPHERE OF AGRO-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (2(26), 140–150.