About risks of losses and it's evaluation


  • М. О. Данилюк
  • В. А. Лагдан


risk, loss, acceptable risk, a critical risk, catastrophic risk, the probability.


Business risk is considered in the context of the danger of resources’s losses and results
of operations. The classification of losses’s types and their characteristics are presented. Some areas of
risk indicators to assess the amount of risk, as well as features of the probability distribution of
occurrence of a certain level of losses are highlighted. The curve of the probability distribution of possible
losses is plotted, which will help prevent them in the future.


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How to Cite

Данилюк, М. О., & Лагдан, В. А. (2014). About risks of losses and it’s evaluation. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), 1(9), 72–82. Retrieved from https://eung.nung.edu.ua/index.php/ecom/article/view/195

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