
  • Joanna Jasinska University of Social, Computer & Medicine Science



Resource-Based View (RBV), health care organization, change management


Abstract.The author considered the prospects for applying a resource-based approach in the practice of managing change in healthcare organizations. Referring to the problem formulated in this way, the author identified basic problems in healthcare organizations. The author conducted a qualitative research on the application of the resource approach in the process of change management in healthcare organizations. One of the latest and popular view among managers and scientists that the effectiveness of an organization depends on the possession and proper use of its resources and capabilities.

The article indicates the effective application of a resource-based approach in managing change in healthcare organizations. The first part presents the theoretical considerations underlying empirical research. The second part of the work presents the results of own research and an attempt to answer the research questions posed:

- is the resource-based approach dominant in the decision-making process in the process of managing change in healthcare organizations?

- Is the level of using the resource approach in the process of change management in managing change in healthcare organizations growing along with the increase in the dynamics of changes in the environment of these organizations?

The study found that in healthcare organizations, a resource-based approach dominates decision-making. A resource-based approach allows organizations to effectively manage and make changes. In addition, it is a set of activities directed at all the resources of a medical organization. The role of resources in achieving the goal of change has therefore become a premise for the emergence and development of strategies to achieve effective change.


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How to Cite

Jasinska, J. (2020). RESOURCE ORIENTATION IN MANAGING CHANGES IN HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS – RESEARCH RESULTS. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), (1(21), 115–122.