project team, management, Agile management, leadership, project team management, agile tools, changes.Abstract
The purpose of the article is to study modern theoretical approaches to project team management. The key role of the team in modern organisations is revealed. Various interpretations of the concept of ‘project team’ are presented. It is proved that a project team consists of employees who perform managerial functions and at the same time work directly in the project. The project manager gathers a group of people, seeking to unite them with a common goal and objectives, novelty, uniqueness, and risk and speed are characteristic features of project work, creating difficulties in forming a project team. It is substantiated that in order to achieve the project goals, the team should consist of highly qualified specialists who must have the necessary knowledge and skills. The study analyses various approaches to the formation of project teams, including psychological technologies that help harmonise team relationships. It is demonstrated that an important task of the project manager is to maintain the motivation and involvement of all team members in decision-making, including management. Proposals are presented on the application of popular theories of team roles for the development of team structure and effective team management in the face of change. The author analyses five main flaws of a team, which include: lack of trust, fear of conflict, lack of confidence, avoidance of responsibility and insufficient attention to results. It is emphasised that it is necessary to pay attention to management styles, distributing the roles of the manager between the Producer, Administrator, Entrepreneur and Integrator. An approach to the development of a project team is considered, which covers five stages: formation, conflict, norming, execution, and closure/transformation. The study presents modern approaches to project team management, including Agile, which is a valuable resource for managers and project teams. Agile management helps to create flexible and efficient project teams, and Scrum and Kanban methodologies can be used by these teams as practical tools in the process.
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