Quantitative Evaluation of Competitive Edges of Enterprise


  • А. О. Устенко
  • І. В. Перевозова
  • О. Я. Малинка
  • Г. І. Писків


competitive advantage, quantitate estimate, analysis, marketing activity of enterprises.


Methodological approaches to the quantitative estimate of competitive advantages of an
enterprise are characterized and substantiated. Competitive advantages are one of the most important
categories of market economy and the main purpose and result of an enterprise’s business performance.
This research is aimed at further development of the system of managing competitive advantages of an
enterprise and its competitiveness. Such estimate provides an opportunity to identify the strengths and
weaknesses of an enterprise, to reveal its hidden potential and, accordingly, to improve its competitive
strategy.Today, domestic practice has no generally accepted methodology of the determination and estimate
of competitive advantages of an enterprise. In general, all existing estimate methods are based on the
diagnostics of the competitive situation on the market, the analysis of the competitive position,
competitive potential and the competitiveness level of an enterprise and are aimed at the development and
implementation of an effective competitive strategy. The following issues need further studies: the
ordering of notions and categories of the competitive advantage theory, the reasoning of methods of
competitive advantages analysis, the choice of estimate indices, the specification of the list and sequence
of stages of managing competitive advantages, working out the procedures of the introduction of the
technology and tools of the formation and development of competitive advantages etc.
The usage of certain methods depends on the peculiarities of an enterprise, its industry sector, the
market, consumers, information base and many other factors.


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How to Cite

Устенко, А. О., Перевозова, І. В., Малинка, О. Я., & Писків, Г. І. (2018). Quantitative Evaluation of Competitive Edges of Enterprise. Scientific Bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Series: Economics and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry), 1(13), 62–71. Retrieved from https://eung.nung.edu.ua/index.php/ecom/article/view/50

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